Figen Genco

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5 Secrets to a Successful Closet

By Figen Genco, BA

Lack of functioning closet systems cause disorganization. Eventually your clothes start ending up on the bed, on the floor, on the exercise machine, on the couch, on the chair or in the laundry basket folded. They don’t make their way to the closet because your closet system is not working.

A functional closet is created by 5 fundamental elements:

  • Understanding your personality, life style and dressing habits;
  • Intelligent use of existing space
  • Matching closet design with the two above
  • Right organizing products for enhanced functionality
  • The ideal expert who could help you with all of the above so that you acquire the precise system for you for excellent functionality and effortless maintenance.

Without a good foundation in your closet, any accessory or organizing product you purchase will be similar to putting a band-aid on a big wound that needs to be operated on. Once you have the correct closet system created for you, other areas of your life will change positively, such as you showing up on time for your appointments!

Figen Genco, BA.
Organizing/Feng Shui/EFT
215 354 0275

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