"Outside ideas of right doing and wrong doing there is a field. I'll meet you there. " ~Rumi |
Dear Reader,
Did you know that we were immersed in Grace Light on July 17th- full moon. If so, did you do anything special? And do you feel the results of it? I can tell you that things seem to have become even smoother for me. And I couldn't believe the conversation I had with my parents last Sunday! Something happened! More about this in the next section.
I am in the middle of a very exciting project. I will tell you more about it in upcoming newsletters. Right now I just wanted to share my excitement with you and send you some of this creative energy! Take it and use it on something that you have been procrastinating about for a while. This month, I got to visit another Amma. A friend/client invited me to go to NY with her to see the Hugging Saint. This was my first time so I got to sit very close to her during the meditation. Later on, during the darshan, when she hugged me, she said "Sevgili Kizim, sevgili kizim" which is "my dear daughter, my dear daughter" in Turkish. I was shocked and very deeply touched!She touched something in deep and there was a delightful healing!

Seyhan and Sevgili Kizi Figen
( Mom and I)
What is Happening to My Parents? The Grace Light
I call my parents every Sunday. Very often, I am tense with the expectations about my mother 's constant interruptions with her ideas, feelings, and knowledge about what I am trying to tell her. She also makes fun of my father, and does not give him a chance to speak. When I get off the phone I am mostly frustrated.
I had been working on the resentment and anger from certain ways my mother
behaves. I have come a long way but as Ram Dass said: " If you feel you are enlightened, spend a week with your parents."
Last Sunday, during the whole conversation there was a smile on my face. At some point I actually wandered off to my
family room and started jumping on my small trampoline while I was
happily talking to them.
My mother listened for a long time without interrupting or making
sarcastic remarks. My father was allowed to make comments and ask questions with only a few insertions from my mother. They listened
"how I manifest things" with acceptance and understanding, and asked me
more questions about that,and some other things that blew my mind that
they even considered! GRACE LIGHT!

Enchanted parents.
Anusara Yoga
 I have been taking a yoga class with an amazing teacher since the beginning of this year. Her name is Rachel Odhner. She happened to be teaching at the gym I go to. I had taken other yoga classes before but this is completely different.
This yoga modality and the teacher's style of teaching are able to touch things in me. I actually feel that a yoga class is more than just some pauses and ability to contort my body into certain shapes and stay in there as long as I can.
This yoga and her style touches my heart, as it should be because this yoga is designed to open up your heart. Just a few months ago, I was completely startled when a very deep healing opportunity presented itself during a pause she was showing us. I go there with an open heart to receive and in every class, I get an answer or discover something new to open up! It is truly magical. Sometimes after the class, I open more and take a deeper look at my new discovery with the energy and spiritual healing methods I use. I am also becoming more and more aware of my body outside of the class and during my daily activities. Absolutely amazing.
Anusara Yoga®, founded in 1997 by John Friend. |
Joy, Hope, and Miracles
Two fantastic videos.
Christian the Lion made me teary, and Matt Harding made me laugh. Both
videos fill you up with hope and power of love.
Enjoy and please share:
2. MATT dancing with the WORLD
Inner Smile
Time to time, as I do with my inner space and physical space, I declutter and re-organize my electronic space. This is as important especially considering how much time you spend in that space in your computer. I do consult and teach clients about creating efficient and welcoming electronic spaces; even taught a course on this at Bucks County Community College.
While going through my "Read" folder, I found an e-book that I downloaded some time ago but had not looked at it yet.
This book was called the Inner Space. While I was scanning through it, I started getting deeper into it, and started actually applying the instructions. It works wonders.
The e-book is free. This month I will give you the link. And next month I will tell you more about it.
The Inner Smile It is on the left. Enjoy!

Little Figen's inner smile:)
Cleansing at Ringing Rocks Waterfall
David and I have been exploring the natural waters around the area we live. Tow weeks ago we went to Ringing Rocks, which is about 45 minutes drive for where we live.
Here is some information about this park, and the interesting rocks in there. Pictures of those rocks can be seen at the website address at the end of this article.
"Located within the park is a field of boulders, about 7-8 acres in
size, that have an unusual property. When the rocks are struck with a
hammer or another rock, they sound as if they are metal and hollow and
ring with a sound similar to a metal pipe being struck. The park also
has Bucks County's largest waterfall.
Besides the strange ringing properties of the stones, there are
other mysteries surrounding this park.
One odd thing about the park is
that most boulder fields are the result of an avalanche from a
mountainside collapsing. This boulder field, however, is towards the
top of the hill, not the bottom. That means it didn't result from a
rock slide. There is also no evidence to suggest that these were
dropped here by a glacier as glaciers were not thought to have come
this far south. How did this boulder field get to be like this? " Resource: (http://www.davidhanauer.com/buckscounty/ringingrocks/)
There is also a small waterfall in the park. We ended up going there and washing under the waterfall. It was very cold, and refreshing!
The following weekend, we went to another park-High Rocks and washed in the creek! Lots of cleansing and nature power.
 Figen at Ringing Rocks