Schadenfreude is a German term which means feeling satisfaction and pleasure from other people's misfortune and misery. This condition is one of the very common malfunctions in human structure. It is easy to get attached to the drama. This is why it is highly marketable and exploited through the media with bad news and tabloids.
The satisfaction from other people's misfortune comes from people's dissatisfaction with their own lives and their desperate search for something to feel better about themselves and their lives.
 We create our own reality not only in the personal level, but in a bigger scale as we feed our thoughts into the "Collective Consciousness". Statistics show that after a plane crash news hit the front pages of a newspaper, many more crashes follow the next few weeks. This happens because of all the readers creating similar fear based thoughts as they read these articles and look at the pictures.
There are two ways you can help positively impact the Whole.
1. Stop reading, watching, listening to anything that has negativity, violence and low vibrations.
2. If you do come across with events and news that trigger darkness in your psyche, stay aware and awake. Keep sending LOVE and LIGHT by replacing any weighty negative thoughts with lightness.
There is not much time left to bring in LIGHT. Please as you drive, do your daily chores, walk, exercise keep repeating "LOVE" in your mind and stay connected to your breath. This is an easy way to MEDITATE, stay PRESENTand raise the vibrations for all.