November 2009
My son has legally changed his name to Brent Samanosuke Satoris. He picked David's last name declaring that he has been the best Dad to him. He also has his reasons for picking the other two names, which I am not getting into now. At first I was saddened. Then I realized this was not about me. The name I picked for him served him as much as it could. He grew out of it. He had to pick something else so that he could transform into what he is becoming and perform the actions which he came here for.
His vibrations are very high. He has taught me so much in such a short time in such a way that it is hard to describe. I don't think I could have handled what is happening right now a few years ago. I guess all the work I have been doing on myself was a preparation for his intensive training!
I also realize that I prepared an environment for him through all the things I learned and practiced in our home so he was able to flourish into what he is becoming.
I will share the insights and the methods with you as I continue training with him. I will convey to you his teachings in "Teachings of the Month" section. Find ways to integrate each month's teachings into your everyday life.
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Teachings of the Month
Everything happens for a reason. When you perceive  something as negative, you have the capability to change it into a positive experience. This is not about positive thinking. This is about understanding that there are underlying factors for the events that seem to be happening on the surface. Even if you can not perceive the reasons behind the events at the moment they are happening, trust the Universe. Allow the events to unfold in their own time. Surrender your will.
There is love in everything. All you need to do is look for it.
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What is Love? |
Love is a word which you might have been using when you refer to romance, passion, enjoyment, sex, desire and lust.
When I say "Look for love", it is easy to get confused and think of things that are lacking in your life. Love is never lacking. Love is in abundance and love is unconditional. It doesn't surface out of need and want. Love is there because we are love.
( you can do EFT tapping as you watch... )
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Manifesting Millions and Billions |
My son and I decided to attract a vast amount of abundance  and wealth. The money which we are inviting and allowing to come is only a biproduct of the transformational work we are doing. I have invented a fast and fun method of uncovering the blockages. It has been amazing. Synchronistic events started popping up. We are helping David to catch up by giving him condensed doses of what we achieve. He started having interesting experiences.
The “work” we are doing requires very little physical work. It is mostly a work out for the energy body. My method enables us to uncover completely hidden blocking beliefs of the subconscious in an easy way and change them with the desirable ones on the spot. The method is incredibly effective. We are experiencing remarkable automatic emotional cleansing and releasing during the process. As we progress, growth in other areas of our lives has become inevitable. My son and I will be talking about this and other methods we develop as we get more results through our explorations and refine our techniques.
In the meantime, if you would like to open yourself for abundance; here are several things you can start with:
1. If you do Yoga, work on hip-openers. The relationship to money is directly related to the second chakra,also called Sacral or Svadhistana. This is the area of the lower abdomen, lower back and sexual organs. The energy here connects us to others and brings us fluidity and grace, depth of feeling, sexual fulfillment and the ability to accept change.
2. Do specific chakra opening exercises for this chakra.
3. Work on the Wealth area of your home and property.
4. Have a “ Discover Your Money Blockages” consultation with me. You will be glad that you did!
Get excited and email me for details. You are so worth it!
Another Vacation |
We have been invited to spend a week in a beautiful home on the island of Boca Grande, FL . Traveling is another area we have done work to create more abundance. I will tell you the details of how this trip came into manifestation and what happens there next month. We are flying early tomorrow, Nov 22nd. We will probably be on the beach while you are reading this:)
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