August 2009
David and I had a relaxing and rejuvenating time at our "honeymoon”. After arrival, we went to have an early dinner at the one of the restaurants. We sat at one the balconies directly above the main pool area. People were floating right beneath us and a group was playing volleyball further away in the pool. It was a change of scenery after the many months of gray skies and rain in Bucks County!
When we went to our room to change, there was a sign  which read “Excellence Honeymooners” at our door and they left a bottle of Champagne and fresh tropical fruit for us in the room.
We changed and went for a swim at the deserted beach.
Even though we got up at 4 am that morning to go the airport, we weren’t back in bed until after 2.00 am in the morning while we danced the night away at the disco.
The whole week went wonderfully. Along with just relaxing by the ocean and the pool; we enjoyed ourselves with activates such as horse riding, volleyball, biking and playing in the waves of the ocean.There were mostly couples and every pair seemed to mind their own business; so it was quiet, relaxing, peaceful and engaging towards each other.
The accommodations, resort and the service were excellent. I am grateful to my sister for emailing me the link. I am thankful to David, making the beautiful landscape in the travel corner of our yard which activated that energy; and being a fantastic travel companion and friend during this vacation.
I wish you a similar experience during which you feel pampered, taken care of, acknowledged and felt deserving of all.
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You Wouldn't Know Until You Asked
During the past months, I received several emails from different people with similar requests regarding my services and consultations. Each person wrote a detailed explanation about their situation and stated that they were very interested in a particular service; however, they didn’t think they could afford it.
I should say that each person’s wish was granted easily. They had made the assumption that their problem would require many hours of my time to be able to help them. That was not the case. I was able to fulfill each person's wish within the funds they could spare for the project.
I advertise general services and fees on my website. However, many variations are possible. For example, one person from England wanted to learn Feng Shui and also receive a Feng Shui consultation for his home at the same time. I was able to offer him a three month online course/ consultation combination within his budget.
Another person thought she needed some help on organizing some areas of her home. She was overwhelmed with the amount of hours of phone consultations she thought it might require. After reading what she wrote to me, I asked her a single question which made her aware that she actually needed some inner healing in a completely different area. We addressed this challenge in one session after which she managed to work in de-cluttering the physical area on her own.
Please DO not hesitate to CONTACT me with what is going  on in your life, what you would like to accomplish and what you can spare on your purpose. I will email you your options within your budget; and then you can make your decision on which one to choose.
There are many ways to look at things. You might not be able to see all the different perspectives from where you are standing.
Please feel FREE to ask. You won’t know what the possibilities are until you ask. I will respond within 48 hours.
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Laughter: Clearing, Healing, Creating
Laughter is one of the most effective energy clearing and healing tools. It is also a manifestation mechanism. When you are asking for something, if you manage to laugh right when you create the thought in your head, it is very likely that you will get it. This might be why those who laugh when someone falls find themselves on the ground soon after.
Laughter is a fun and fast way to clear a space energetically. It works both for the physical space we are in and the space inside of us.
When you laugh so much that you are in tears, more cleansing is accomplished. My son makes me laugh like that. He imitates my accent, the words I use and how I behave in certain situations. Watching an exaggerated version of my mannerism makes me laugh so hard that tears roll out. Once a clerk at a store register thought that my son was making me cry and threw a really angry look at him- I had managed to stop laughing before coming to his register but couldn't stop the tears.
Being exposed to a caricature version of myself in this way keeps me on my toes, humbled and grounded. I learn not to take myself so seriously. I also get to understand how those who are close to me perceive me. I get to see myself from outside.
Find someone who knows you well, who knows your weaknesses and can imitate you. Get them perform for you and laugh into tears while you watch yourself. A fantastic therapy! While laughing if you also think about changing the behaviors that seem to need adjustments, you might be able to manifest the transformations right then and there.
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I Am That
I am currently reading and contemplating "I Am That, Talks With Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj". It was mentioned during our Yoga Teacher Training and I am so glad that I got it. It is not a book to be read from beginning to end. It needs to be chewed well and swallowed slowly! I randomly open a chapter and read that one and think about it. Then some time later I do it with another chapter.
I sometimes use the book to get an answers to a question I have again by opening a random page. |
Feng Shui for House Hunting
Here is the link for my new online service for Feng Shui for Real Estate processes- buying and selling homes.
Feng Shui is one of the main components of buying, selling, renovating homes and choosing land for a home. Starting with the right home gives you the correct foundation to build on. A home with beneficial energy flow enables you to live and work in balance and harmony towards your future goals.
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